Website presentation

1.1-Website editor:

This website belongs to


75 rue Sophie Germain

CS 70816 – 44308 NANTES Cedex FRANCE

Company registered in RCS 353 543 358

EURIAL, SAS with capital of  €41.744.673, located at the following address: 75 rue Sophie Germain, CS 70816 – 44308 NANTES Cedex

Phone: +33 (0)2 40 68 18 18

SIRET 353 543 358 00 140

VAT FR 76 353 543 358

Publication Director: Gilles Rabouille

1.2 – Website host:

This website is hosted by: Alfa Safety – Nantes

Webmaster’s contact details: Intuiti – 43 rue du Préfet Bonne foy, 44000 Nantes et Petit Garage – 8 rue de l’Héronnière, 44000 Nantes.

The owner of the website provides information solely for informative purposes. It strives to ensure the information it provides is accurate and up to date. However, it does not provide any guarantee that the information will be accurate, exact, up to date or complete.

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The website owner will not be held responsible should the site become unavailable for any reason whatsoever, nor will it be held responsible for the content of the documents displayed on its website.

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In order to facilitate access to other websites, the site owner reserves the right to insert a number of links to third party websites. However, it is not responsible for the availability of these third-party websites, or for their content, advertising or other features contained therein. The owner of this website will not therefore be held liable in respect of a third-party site which you may have accessed.

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 If you use Internet Explorer
• From Internet Explorer, click on the Tools button, then on Internet Options.
• From the General tab, under Browsing history, click on Settings.
• Click on the View files button.
• Click on the Name column header to sort all of the files in alphabetical order, then scan the list until you see files starting with  the “Cookie” prefix (all cookies have this prefix and usually comprise the name of the website that created the cookie).                               • Select the one or more cookies comprising the “company name” and delete them,
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• Click on the Menu button and choose Options
• Select the Privacy tab and go to the Cookies and site information section.
• Click on the Manage data… button. The “Manage cookies and site data” dialogue box is displayed.
• Identify the files that contain “company name”, select them and delete them.

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• Click on Confidentiality
• Click on Manage website data, select one or more websites, then click on Delete or Clear all.

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• At the top right, click on Plus Settings.
• At the bottom of the page, click on Advanced settings.
• In the “Confidentiality and security” section, Click on Content settings.
• Click on Cookies Display all site cookies and data.
• At the top right, look for the website name.
• To the right of the website, click on Delete

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By connecting to the website published by the owner of the website, holder of all of the intellectual property rights relating to it, you cannot copy or download all or a part of its content without express prior permission from us.

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All reproduction rights are reserved, including for downloadable documents (logos, photographs, information of all kinds or other). Documents that can be downloaded are also protected by copyright. The limits to the use of these documents are detailed on the relevant pages of the website.

Any representation, in whole or in part, of the website, by any company, without express permission from the website owner – Legal Department – is prohibited and constitutes counterfeiting punished by Articles L.335-2 and following in the French Intellectual Property Code (Code de la propriété intellectuelle). The same applies, where applicable, to databases found on the website, that are protected by the stipulations of the law of 1 July 1998 transposing into the French Intellectual Property Code, the European Directive of 11 March 1996 relative to the legal protection of databases.

In the same way, any recording, broadcasting, translation and adaptation of the website, whether in full or in part, is prohibited.

Applicable law

The website and its content are created in compliance with the law and regulations applicable in France. Even if it is accessible by other users, the website and its content are intended for access and use by French residents.

Managing personal data

The owner of the website only collects personal data relating to the user for the needs of some of the services offered by the website. The user is fully aware of the fact that they are providing this data, especially when they enter it themselves. Website users are informed at that time on whether or not they are required to provide this data.

Our policy on the protection of Personal Data can be accessed on this website.

The user has the right to access, rectify, delete and move data about themselves, as well as the right to request a limit on their processing or to oppose this.

Users may exercise these rights as follows:

  • By sending a letter to: EURIAL – 75 rue Sophie Germain CS 70816 – 44308 Nantes FRANCE
  • By sending an e-mail to:

stating in the message header “Personal data: Right of access –  Site web Grand Fermage (”.

Users may be asked to prove their identity to properly exercise their rights.

None of the user’s personal information is published, exchanged, transferred, transferred or sold on any media to any third party without the user’s knowledge.

Liability limitations

The owner of the website cannot be held liable for any direct and indirect damage caused to the user’s equipment when accessing the website and resulting from the appearance of a bug or an incompatibility.

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A french cooperative

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Our CSR approach!
Biodiversité Grand Fermage