Melon Pan

melon pan recipe
  • Guests 10 people
  • Preparation 150 minutes
  • Cooking 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium

To make this recipe 

unsalted-butter-roll Unsalted butter roll 1kg Discover the product


For the bread dough:

  1. 40g Grand Fermage unsalted butter roll

    250g flour

    4g dried bakers’ yeast

    2 heaped tsp. sugar

    150g whole milk

    1 large egg yolk

    1 tsp. salt

For the biscuit dough

  1. 60g Grand Fermage unsalted butter roll

    250g flour

    50g sugar (+ bowl filled with sugar)

    1 large egg

    3 tbsp. water

    1 heaped tsp. bicarbonate of soda

    1 heaped tsp. salt

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Method for the bread dough

  1. Add the flour, yeast, sugar and salt to the bowl of your stand mixer.
  2. Whisk the egg yolk with the milk and add into the dry ingredients.
  3. Knead with the bread hook for 5 minutes.
  4. Add the cubed Grand Fermage unsalted butter and knead for another 5 minutes.
  5. Form the dough into a ball and leave to rise for 90 minutes.

Method for the biscuit dough

  1. Whisk the butter and sugar together, then add in the egg.
  2. Combine the flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt and add to the mixture, followed by the water.
  3. Knead until you have obtained a springy dough.
  4. Roll into a ball and cover with cling film.
  5. Chill in the fridge for 25 minutes.

Method for the japanese Melon Pan

  1. Divide the bread dough into 10 balls, then set the balls on a parchment-lined baking tray and leave to proof for 10 minutes.
  2. Cut the biscuit dough into 10 pieces, and roll each one into a flat circle around 8cm across.
  3. Cover the bread buns with a layer of biscuit dough, then dip each one in the sugar bowl to coat the outside.
  4. Cut a lattice pattern into the top of the buns using the edge of a dough scraper.
  5. Leave to proof for another 40 minutes.
  6. Pre-heat your oven to 180°C and bake for 12 minutes.

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