Crémeux du Poitou toasts with spiced bread and caramelised tomatoes

  • Guests 4 people
  • Preparation 10 minutes
  • Cooking 3 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy

To make this recipe 

le-crémeux-du-poitou-200g-grand-fermage Private: “Le Crémeux du Poitou” Discover the product


  1. 1 Crémeux du Poitou cheese

    8 slices pain d’épices (spiced bread)

    8 cherry tomatoes

    50g sugar

    2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar

    1 pinch toasted sesame seeds

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  1. In a pan, cook the sugar for 3 minutes over a low heat until it forms a caramel.
  2. Add the balsamic vinegar and mix.
  3. Wash the cherry tomatoes and place them on cocktail sticks.
  4. Dip them in the caramel so they are half-covered,
  5. then quickly roll them in the sesame seeds before the caramel sets. Set aside.
  6. Top each slice of the spiced bread with a generous portion of Crémeux du Poitou cheese, then stick a caramelized tomato on top.
  7. Serve and enjoy!

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