King prawns sauted in a pineapple tomato compote with grilled pine nuts

recipe-king prawns sauteed-in-a-pineapple-tomato-compote-with-grilled-pine-nuts-sea-salted-butter-grand-fermage
  • Guests 4 people
  • Preparation 20 minutes
  • Cooking 12 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium

To make this recipe 

Beurre-aux-cristaux-de-sel-beurre-aux-cristaux-de-sel-de-noirmoutier-250g-grand-fermage Noirmoutier sea salt butter Discover the product Discover the product



  1. 80g Noirmoutier Grand Fermage sea-salted butter

    20 prawns

    1 lime

    3 cloves pink garlic

    1 red onion

    2 tbsp. olive oil

    4 ripe pineapple tomatoes

    1 large bunch fresh coriander

    100g pine nuts

    Ground salt and pepper

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  1. Shell the prawns and remove the heads and tails.
  2. Put them onto a soup bowl, sprinkle them with lemon juice and set aside for now.
  3. In small pan, dry fry the pine nuts. Set aside.
  4. Wash and slice the pineapple tomatoes into cubes of around 1 cm3.
  5. Peel the garlic and red onion then chop it finely.

  6. Melt the butter along with 1 tbsp. olive oil in a frying pan.
  7. Saute the garlic and red onion on a low heat.
  8. Add the prawns and fry them on a high heat, stirring every two minutes.
  9. Remove from the pan and keep them warm.
  10. Throw the tomato cubes into the same frying pan, add a tbsp. of olive oil and let soften for 4-5 minutes on a low heat while stirring.
  11. Season, then add the chopped coriander and stir well.
  12. Add the prawns to the tomato compote, and reheat them for 1-2 minutes.
  13. Finally, sprinkle over the grilled pine nuts and serve piping hot!

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