Peach-muesli crumble

reicpe-Peach-muesli crumble-organic-moulded-butter-unsalted-grand-fermage
  • Guests 6 people
  • Preparation 20 minutes
  • Cooking 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy

To make this recipe 

2D_250g_ORGANIC_UNSLATED_100%BRETON_BUTTER_face_72dpi Unsalted organic moulded butter Discover the product


  1. 100g Grand Fermage unsalted organic moulded butter
  2. 6 peaches
  3. 30g sugar
  4. juice of 1 lemon
  5. 50g muesli
  6. 100g brown sugar
  7. 50g flour

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  1. Peel the peaches and cut into strips. Transfer to a dish along with the sugar and lemon juice, and chill in the fridge.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  3. Add the flour, muesli and brown sugar to a large bowl. Add in the butter in small chunks, mixing by hand until the mixture has a crumbly, sandy texture.
  4. Drain the peaches and pour them into a greased oven-proof dish. Cover with the crumble mixture. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

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