Caramel macarons

  • Guests 6 people
  • Preparation 20 minutes
  • Cooking 10 minutes
  • Difficulty Hard

To make this recipe 

salted-butter-200g-grand-fermage Salted butter 200g Discover the product


Macaron shells

  1. 3 egg whites

    210g icing sugar

    125g ground almonds

    30g caster sugar

    A few drops of brown food colouring

Ingredients for dressing

  1. 50g salted Noirmoutier Grand Fermage butter

    100g icing sugar

    3 tbsp. single cream

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Method for macaron shells

  1. Finely mix the icing sugar and powdered almonds with a food processor knife and sift over a sheet of baking paper.
  2. Whisk the egg whites into peaks with a spoonful of caster sugar and add the rest of the sugar.
  3. Then add 10 drops of brown food colouring. Mix well to achieve a smooth colour.
  4. Gradually sprinkle the sifted powder into the whites and mix gently with a spatula. The mixture should be smooth, shiny and should form a ribbon when falling from the spoon.
  5. Place a sheet of greaseproof paper on a baking tray and squeeze small domes onto the paper with a smooth piping bag.
  6. Preheat the oven to 150°C.
  7. Leave to crisp up for around 20 minutes then cook for around 10-15 minutes.
  8. After removing from the oven, leave to cool, then remove the macarons from the baking paper.

Method for dressing

  1. Make caramel with the sugar and 2 tbsp. water.
  2. When the caramel is nicely coloured, add the crème fraîche, then the butter.
  3. Leave to cool.
  4. Next, stick the macaron shells together with a blob of caramel.
  5. Now taste it!

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