Almond tart with apples

recipe-almond-tart -with-apples-and-salted-butter-grand-fermage
  • Guests 4 people
  • Preparation 30 minutes
  • Cooking 25 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium

To make this recipe 

salted-butter-200g-grand-fermage Salted butter 200g Discover the product salted-butter-moulded-from-vendée Salted Vendée Moulded Butter Discover the product


For apples

  1. 30g salted Grand Fermage butter

    3 apples

    1 roll puff pastry

For almond cream

  1. 60g salted Grand Fermage butter

    60 g ground almonds

    60g sugar

    1 spoon rum

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Method for apples

  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
  2. Unroll the puff pastry and cut 4 x 8cm diameter circles.
  3. Put them into 4 individual tart dishes and shape the edges. Prick the bottom of the pastry with a fork. Set aside.
  4. Cut the apples into quarters and remove the pips. Do not peel them. Cut them into 1cm pieces.
  5. In a pan, heat the butter and quickly sauté the apple without letting it overcook. Set aside.

Method for almond cream

  1. Remove the butter from the fridge 2 hours before use.
  2. In a bowl, mix the softened butter with the sugar until the mixture goes white.
  3. Add the almond powder and mix in. Finish off by mixing the whole egg in well with a whisk until the mixture goes white. Set aside. Finally, flavour with rum.
  4. Spread the almond cream all over the tart. Arrange the sliced apple, sprinkled with a little sugar.
  5. Cook for 10 minutes at 220°C . After this, lower the oven temperature to 180°C and cook for around a further 15 minutes.
  6. Serve warm or at room temperature.

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