Tapas with mini bagels

  • Guests 5 people
  • Preparation 30 minutes
  • Cooking 0 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy

To make this recipe 

salted-butter-200g-grand-fermage Salted butter 200g Discover the product 2D_250g_ORGANIC_SALTED_100%BRETON_BUTTER_face Salted organic moulded butter 250g Discover the product


  1. 150g salted Grand Fermage butter

    4 mini bagels; plain or with sesame seeds

    4 slices of flatbread or brioche

    4 mini crisp breads, plain or with seeds (long)

    8 small anchovies, plain or in tomato sauce

    1 lime

    150g smoked salmon

    4 bunches dill

    1/2 lime

    1 small red onion

    4 cherry tomatoes

    3 sprigs chives

    8 thin slices of mild chorizo or lomo sausage

    4 sprigs parsley

    1 dash Espelette chilli pepper

    A few rocket leaves

    Salt and pepper

And don't forget to grade the recipe:


  1. Slice open all the small bagels and cut the flatbreads into small squares.
  2. Mix 50g butter with 2 anchovies in a small mixer. 3. Add pepper to taste.
  3. Fill the piping bag with the anchovy butter then spread it onto the bases of the small bagels.
  4. Cover them with their lids, top them with the remaining anchovies, add a mini slice of lime and secure with a cocktail stick.
  5. Still using the mixer, combine 50g butter with 4 sprigs of fresh dill and a splash of lemon juice.
  6. Fill the piping bag with the dill butter then spread it onto the bases of the small flatbreads.
  7. Arrange small slices of salmon tomatoes, add a few finely chopped red onions and sprinkle with chopped chives.
  8. Mix 50g butter with 4 bunches of parsley and Espelette chilli pepper.
  9. Fill the piping bag with the herb butter then spread it onto the bases of the small flatbreads.
  10. Arrange the finely sliced chorizo and sprinkle with chopped fresh basil.
  11. Arrange your tapas on a dish and serve immediately!

And don't forget to grade the recipe:


Gourmet tips

Sprinkle with toasted pine nuts before serving hot.

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